Pesticide Interactions with Peanut Cultivars¹

Authors: E. W. Hauser , G. A. Buchanan , J. E. Harvey , W. L. Currey , D. W. Gorbet , N. A. Minton

  • Pesticide Interactions with Peanut Cultivars¹


    Pesticide Interactions with Peanut Cultivars¹

    Authors: , , , , ,


Interactions among six peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) cultivars, herbicides individually and in sequence, and a systemic insecticide were studied on four soil series in 1976 and on three soil series in 1977. Yields of peanuts grown on all soils were reduced significantly in 1976 by intensive sequential applications of the five herbicidal treatments. Additionally, repeated dinoseb treatment reduced yields on the Ruston and Greenville soils. In 1977, yield decreases did not occur from any herbicide treatment on the Do-than or Greenville soils; however, yields on the Tifton soil were reduced by intensive sequential herbicidal treatment or by 2,4-DB alone. Herbicides did not interact significantly with cultivars except on Greenville soil in 1977 when yields of only the Tifrun cultivar were increased by treatment with either benefin or dinoseb. The systemic insecticide disulfoton, with one exception, consistently increased the yield of peanuts when averaged over cultivars and herbicides. Also, in 1977, on the Greenville soil, Titrun yields were increased significantly by disulfoton but disulfoton effects on other cultivars were not statistically significant. Market quality tests indicated that the percentage of sound mature kernels (SMK) was frequently reduced by intensive herbicidal applications.

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Keywords: Cultivars, Pesticide-interactions, Herbicide-sequences, Disulfoton, peanut

How to Cite:

Hauser, E. & Buchanan, G. & Harvey, J. & Currey, W. & Gorbet, D. & Minton, N., (1981) “Pesticide Interactions with Peanut Cultivars¹”, Peanut Science 8(2), p.142-144. doi:



Published on
30 Jun 1981
Peer Reviewed

Author Notes

1Cooperative investigations of AR, SEA, U.S. Dep. Agr.; Goldkist, Inc.; and the Agric. Exp. Sta. of Alabama, Florida, and Georgia.