Editorial Team
Chris Butts, Editor
The Peanut Science Editorial Board is tasked to uphold the journal's scholastic publishing standards and provide input on journal policy, scope and direction.
Chris Butts is Editor of Peanut Science and the following team of Associate Editors provide support to the Editor as experts in one or more of the eighteen defined areas of peanut research and education--Agronomy, Biotechnology, Breeding, Crop Production, Economics, Engineering, Entomology, Food Science, Food Technology, Genetics, Microbiology, Nematology, Nutrition, Physiology, Plant Pathology, Plant Physiology, Weed Science and Forage.
The Editorial Board's role in peer-reviewed publishing focuses on supporting the journal Editor by providing oversight of assigned manuscripts--moving these papers through review and revision. Specifically, the Editorial Board is responsible for assessing manuscript quality, obtaining peer reviews, requesting revisions where appropriate, and making recommendations to the journal Editor about acceptance or rejection of a manuscript. In addition to assessing the scientific quality of the each manuscript, the Editorial Board assists in the presentation of each article with suggestions on improving graphics and layout to ensure the best possible presentation of information and strengthening a clear understanding of results.
The decision to accept or reject any manuscript for publication relies solely with the editor and associate editors and is based on scientific review of the manuscript. Questions about submissions and publication should be directed to Editor Chris Butts at fullmoonengineer@att.net or 229-364-8814 or via www.peanutscience.com.

National Peanut Research Laboratory, USDA, ARS

University of Georgia

Clemson University

Virginia Tech

Auburn University

JLA, Inc.

The J.M. Smucker Company

Clemson University

Plant Genetic Resources Conservation Unit, USDA-ARS

Crop and Soil Sciences, University of Georgia