Results of a peanut bulk drying model, PEADRY8, have been compared with experimental test results for Virginia-type peanuts. The model describes the peanut pod as two separate components with moisture movement in both liquid and vapor form. The Henderson equation was used to describe the equilibrium moisture contents of the kernel and the hull. The following conclusions were drawn: (1) predicted drying times averaged 11% longer than the observed values; (2) predicted kernel moisture contents at the top of the wagons averaged 5% less than the measured values; (3) predicted hull moisture contents at the top of the wagons averaged 17% higher than the observed values; (4) predicted hull final moisture contents at the top of the wagons average 21% higher than measured values and (5) predicted exhaust air temperatures averaged 1% higher than measured values.
An attempt was made to improve the fit of the observed and simulated results by changing the equation to describe the equilibrium moisture contents. The Chung-Pfost equation, compared to the Henderson equation, was more accurate in describing the hull moisture content and less accurate in describing the kernel moisture content history. Changing the reference air flow rate of the thin-layer drying relationship did not give a better fit between the observed and predicted data.
Several drying simulations were found to be very sensitive to small changes in either wet-bulb or dry-bulb temperature. Small errors in wet-bulb temperature measurement could account for the predicted drying times for six experiments which were excessively long relative to observed values.
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Keywords: peanut, kernel, hull, bulk drying, experimental and simulated results, equilibrium moisture content equations
How to Cite:
Parti, M. & Young, J.,
(1992) “Evaluation of a Bulk Drying Model for Peanuts¹”,
Peanut Science 19(1),
doi: https://doi.org/10.3146/i0095-3679-19-1-1
Published on
31 Dec 1991
Peer Reviewed
Author Notes
1Paper No. BAE 9104 of the Journal Series of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, N.C. State University, Raleigh, NC, 276957625. The use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service of the product named nor criticism of similar ones not mentioned.