Resistance to Peanut Stunt Virus in Cultivated and Wild Arachis Species

Authors: T. T. Herbert , H. T. Stalker

  • Resistance to Peanut Stunt Virus in Cultivated and Wild Arachis Species


    Resistance to Peanut Stunt Virus in Cultivated and Wild Arachis Species

    Authors: ,


Approximately 4000 lines (cultivars, introductions, breeding lines, and radiation-induced mutants) of cultivated peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) were tested for resistance to peanut stunt virus (PSV), and all were susceptible to PSV infection. Twenty-one lines were less severely damaged than the others. In addition, 90 collections of wild Arachis species including 55 members of section Rhizomatosae, 17 of Arachis, 16 of Erectoides, and one each of Caulorhizae and Extranervosae were tested. Several collections in sections Arachis, Caulorhizae, Erectoides and Rhizomatosae were highly resistant to PSV. Collections of A. duranensis, A. villosa, and a hybrid derivative of A. villosa-A. correntina have the most immediate potential for utilization. The reactions of a few F1 hybrids of Arachis species indicated that resistance to peanut stunt virus is not conditioned by a single dominant gene. Resistance of wild species could be used to develop resistant cultivars.

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Keywords: Groundnut, Arachis hypogaea, peanut stunt virus

How to Cite:

Herbert, T. & Stalker, H., (1981) “Resistance to Peanut Stunt Virus in Cultivated and Wild Arachis Species”, Peanut Science 8(1), p.45-47. doi:



Published on
31 Dec 1980
Peer Reviewed

Author Notes

1Paper No. 6783 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, NC 27650. Financial support from the United States Department of Agriculture and contributions of plant materials and valuable advice by Dr. W. C. Gregory are gratefully acknowledged.