Editors' Note

Editor's Comments

Author: Christopher L. Butts

  • Editor's Comments

    Editors' Note

    Editor's Comments



How to Cite:

Butts, C., (2008) “Editor's Comments”, Peanut Science 35(2), p.76-76. doi: https://doi.org/10.3146/0.3146/0095-3679-35.2.76



Published on
01 Jul 2008

The publication of this issue of Peanut Science marks my first complete year as editor of the journal. The success of the journal lies in the hands of many including authors, associate editors, and reviewers. Without the authors submitting their research for publication, this journal would not exist. However, it is the many reviewers that volunteer their time to ensure that the research published is of the highest quality and makes this journal worth reading. The Associate Editors play a vital role in choosing qualified reviewers for each article, and making sure that the reviews and subsequent revisions are completed in a timely fashion. If not for the work of the Associate Editors, my task as editor would be beyond my capabilities. There are 6 Associate Editors who complete their tours of duty December 30, 2008. They have served at least 3 years and as many as 9 years. Join me in thanking the associate editors and reviewers listed below, because without them, publishing Peanut Science would be impossible.

Any omissions from the list of reviewers are purely unintentional. I appreciate your service to the journal and to the American Peanut Research and Education Society.

Chris Butts, Interim Editor