Effect of Cultivar and Plant Population on Spotted Wilt in Virginia Market-Type Peanut

Authors: C. A. Hurt , R. L. Brandenburg , D. L. Jordan , G. G. Kennedy , J. E. Bailey

  • Effect of Cultivar and Plant Population on Spotted Wilt in Virginia Market-Type Peanut


    Effect of Cultivar and Plant Population on Spotted Wilt in Virginia Market-Type Peanut

    Authors: , , , ,


Field experiments were conducted in North Carolina during 2001 and 2002 to evaluate the impact of cultivar and plant population on the incidence of symptoms of tomato spotted wilt virus, which is transmitted primarily by tobacco thrips [Frankliniellafusca (Hinds) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)]. Treatments included the Virginia market-type cultivars Gregory, NC-V 11, and Perry seeded at in-row plant populations of 7, 13, and 17 plants/m. In these experiments, there was a consistent trend for increased foliar injury from thrips as plant population decreased. Less thrips feeding injury was noted for Gregory and Perry than for NC-V 11. Incidence of visual symptoms of spotted wilt (SW) was recorded from mid-June through mid-September. A plant condition rating was recorded late in the season. Consistent with the results for thrips-induced injury, the percentage of plants infected with SW and the plant condition rating increased as plant population decreased. Gregory had the lowest SW incidence, while NC-V 11 was intermediate between Gregory and the most susceptible Perry. Establishing higher plant densities and planting Gregory rather than NC-V 11 or Perry reduced SW incidence and plant condition rating. Gregory had consistently the highest %ELK (extra large kernels) and %FP (fancy pods) across treatments and locations whereas no definitive trend in market grade characteristics were noted among treatments. In some cases, Perry had a higher incidence of SW, but still had higher pod yields than NC-V 11 with a lower incidence of SW. However, in most cases pod yield correlated with plant condition ratings, and as thrips injury increased, pod yield decreased.

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Keywords: Frankliniella fusca, Tobacco thrips, tomato spotted wilt virus, TSWV.

How to Cite:

Hurt, C. & Brandenburg, R. & Jordan, D. & Kennedy, G. & Bailey, J., (2004) “Effect of Cultivar and Plant Population on Spotted Wilt in Virginia Market-Type Peanut”, Peanut Science 31(2), p.101-107. doi:



Published on
30 Jun 2004
Peer Reviewed

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