Residual Weed Control with Imazapic, Diclosulam, and Flumioxazin in Southeastern Peanut (Arachis hypogaea)

Authors: T. L. Grey , D. C. Bridges , E. P. Prostko , E. F. Eastin , W. C. Johnson , W. K. Vencill , B. J. Brecke , G. E. MacDonald , J. A. Tredaway Ducar , J. W. Everest , G. R. Wehtje , J. W. Wilcut

  • Residual Weed Control with Imazapic, Diclosulam, and Flumioxazin in Southeastern Peanut (Arachis hypogaea)


    Residual Weed Control with Imazapic, Diclosulam, and Flumioxazin in Southeastern Peanut (Arachis hypogaea)

    Authors: , , , , , , , , , , ,


Imazapic, diclosulam, and flumioxazin have been registered for use in peanut since 1996. These herbicides provide substantial residual control of broadleaf weeds in peanut. A comprehensive review was conducted for these residual herbicides to determine their role in future weed control systems in peanuts. Weed control data for research from over 100 experiments conducted from 1990-2000 by Georgia, Florida, and Auburn Universities and USDA-ARS scientists were compiled. Residual herbicide systems evaluated were imazapic postemergence (POST) at 71 g ai/ha, flumioxazin preemergence (PRE) at 70, 87, and 104 g ai/ha, diclosulam preplant incorporated (PPI) and PRE at 18 and 26 g ai/ha, and paraquat plus bentazon early POST (EPOST). Other treatments included the residual herbicides used in combination with paraquat plus bentazon EPOST, for a total of 17 treatments. Regionally important weeds were selected and included: sicklepod, Florida beggarweed, purple and yellow nut-sedge, Ipomoea morningglory species, and smallflower morningglory. Sicklepod control with imazapic alone was 86% (50 tests), 73% (25 tests) with paraquat plus bentazon, and 63% or less with diclosulam and flumioxazin regardless of rate. Florida beggarweed control was 90% (29 tests) with flumioxazin (104 gha PRE); 78% (50 tests) with diclosulam 26 gha PPI; 72% (72 tests) with imazapic; and 70% (40 tests) with paraquat plus bentazon. Purple and yellow nutsedge control was 90% with imazapic. Yellow nutsedge control was 78% (18 tests) with diclosulam (26 g/ha PRE) and less than 69% with flumioxazin and paraquat plus bentazon. Paraquat plus bentazon increased weed control over residual herbicides alone.

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Keywords: Early post, herbicides, postemergence, preplant incorporated

How to Cite:

Grey, T. & Bridges, D. & Prostko, E. & Eastin, E. & Johnson, W. & Vencill, W. & Brecke, B. & MacDonald, G. & Ducar, J. & Everest, J. & Wehtje, G. & Wilcut, J., (2003) “Residual Weed Control with Imazapic, Diclosulam, and Flumioxazin in Southeastern Peanut (Arachis hypogaea)”, Peanut Science 30(1), p.22-27. doi:



Published on
31 Dec 2002
Peer Reviewed

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