Grass Control in Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) with Clethodim and Selected Broadleaf Herbicide Combinations¹

Authors: W. J. Grichar , B. A. Besler , K. D. Brewer , T. A. Baughman

  • Grass Control in Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) with Clethodim and Selected Broadleaf Herbicide Combinations¹


    Grass Control in Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) with Clethodim and Selected Broadleaf Herbicide Combinations¹

    Authors: , , ,


Field studies were conducted to evaluate broadleaf signalgrass and southern crabgrass control and effect on peanut yield of clethodim alone and sequential applications with six broadleaf herbicides. When rated 9 wk after treatment (WAT), broadleaf signalgrass control with clethodim followed by (fb) acifluorfen, imazapic, or 2,4-DB 24 hr later did not differ from clethodim alone. When acifluorfen, acifluorfen plus bentazon, imazethapyr, imazapic, and lactofen were applied in a tank-mix with clethodim, broadleaf signalgrass control was less than 65%. Clethodim alone or clethodim plus 2,4-DB controlled 86 and 73% broadleaf signalgrass, respectively. When acifluorfen, acifluorfen plus bentazon, or imazethapyr was fb clethodim, signalgrass control was less than 72%. Southern crabgrass control was reduced in 2 of 3 yr from clethodim alone when acifluorfen was tank-mixed with clethodim. When other broadleaf herbicides were tank-mixed with clethodim, reduced crabgrass control was noted in only 1 of 3 yr. Where no POST herbicides were used, peanut yield was < 1600 kg/ha, while all plots which received a POST herbicide yielded over 2200 kg/ha.

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Keywords: antagonism, broadleaf signalgrass, Groundnut, postemergence, southern crabgrass

How to Cite:

Grichar, W. & Besler, B. & Brewer, K. & Baughman, T., (2002) “Grass Control in Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) with Clethodim and Selected Broadleaf Herbicide Combinations¹”, Peanut Science 29(2), p.85-88. doi:



Published on
30 Jun 2002
Peer Reviewed

Author Notes

1This research was supported in part by grants from Texas Peanut Producers Board.