Author Notes
Appreciation is expressed to T. H. Bowyer, J. D. Gay, N. E. McGlohon, and the participating county extension agents for assistance in field sampling.
A random survey of 467 peanut and cotton fields in 17 counties of Southwest Georgia was conducted to determine the frequency of occurrence and distribution of parasitic nematodes associated with peanuts and cotton.
Keywords: random-survey, peanuts, cotton, Meloidogyne spp., Pratylenchus spp, Belonolaimus spp, Criconemoides ornatus, Rotylenchulus reniformis, Hoplolaimus columbus.
How to Cite:
Motsinger, R. & Crawford, J. & Thompson, S., (1976) “Nematode Survey of Peanuts and Cotton in Southwest Georgia”, Peanut Science 3(2), p.72-74. doi: