Timing of Aldicarb Applications to Control Meloidogyne arenaria in Peanut¹

Authors: J. R. Rich , D. W. Gorbet

  • Timing of Aldicarb Applications to Control Meloidogyne arenaria in Peanut¹


    Timing of Aldicarb Applications to Control Meloidogyne arenaria in Peanut¹

    Authors: ,


Four fieldtrialswere conductedin northwest Florida to determine the efficacyofaldicarb appliedat varyingtime intervals after planting on peanut (Arachis hypogaea) to manage the peanut root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne arenaria. Initial treatments with aldicarb (Temik 15G), fenamiphos (Nemacur 15G), and phorate (Thimet 15G) were made at planting of peanut cv. Southern Runner. The chemicals were applied as 20-cm-wide bands over the open seed furrow using a tractor-mounted Gandy applicator. Post-plant treatments were made with a Gandy applicator at time intervals from 28 to 104 dafter planting as 36-cm-wide bands over the row centers. Post-harvest M. arenaria population densities were affected little by any chemical treatment compared to the control. The efficacy of the chemical treatments was variable and averaged onlya 295-kglha yield increase for the single at-plant applications of aldicarb compared to the control. Allat-plant + post-plant aldicarb treatments increased yield over the control by an average of 712 kg ha. Results from these trials did not establish a single optimal time for post-plant application of aldicarb on peanut. Data from these tests, however, indicated that a post-plant aldicarb treatment can be applied latter than previously recommended in Florida.

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Keywords: Application time, Arachis hypogaea, fenamiphos, phorate, Nemacur, root-knot nematode, Temik, Thimet.

How to Cite:

Rich, J. & Gorbet, D., (2001) “Timing of Aldicarb Applications to Control Meloidogyne arenaria in Peanut¹”, Peanut Science 28(2), p.73-75. doi:



Published on
01 Jul 2001
Peer Reviewed

Author Notes

1Florida Agric. Exp, Sta. Jour. Series No. R-08077.