Feasibility Tests for a Two-Stage Batch Dryer for Curing Farmer Stock Peanuts¹

Authors: C. L. Butts , M. S. Omary

  • Feasibility Tests for a Two-Stage Batch Dryer for Curing Farmer Stock Peanuts¹


    Feasibility Tests for a Two-Stage Batch Dryer for Curing Farmer Stock Peanuts¹

    Authors: ,


A two-stage batch dryer for farmer stock peanut was developed by a commercial grain dryer manufacturer and tested at a commercial peanut buying point during the 1996 and 1997 harvests. A 7.3-m diameter grain bin provided the superstructure for two peanut curing chambers. Each chamber had an approximate capacity of 18,000 kg of in-shell peanuts. Comparisons between conventional peanut curing wagons and the bin dryer were conducted. Recorded data included temperature and relative humidity in both type dryers, drying time, moisture content throughout curing, farmers stock grades, milling quality, and seed germination. A total of 451,717 kg were cured in the two-stage dryer and 215,460 kg in conventional dryers. The initial moisture content of peanuts averaged 19% wet basis and dried at an average moisture removal rate of 0.45%/hr. The moisture removal rates for the two dryers were not significantly different. The final moisture content averaged 11%. Moisture content at the time of grading averaged 9%. Farmers stock grades and milling quality were not significantly different. The average quota support price, including LSK for peanuts cured in conventional dryers, was $630.47/1000 kg compared to $636.08/1000-kg peanuts cured in the two-stage dryer. Seed germination averaged 75.8 and 76.1% for conventional and bin-dried peanuts, respectively. The twostage batch dryer was comparable to the current wagon-drying system. A single batch in the two-stage dryer was equivalent to three peanut wagons.

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Keywords: drying, energy, quality

How to Cite:

Butts, C. & Omary, M., (1999) “Feasibility Tests for a Two-Stage Batch Dryer for Curing Farmer Stock Peanuts¹”, Peanut Science 26(2), p.68-73. doi:



Published on
30 Jun 1999
Peer Reviewed

Author Notes

1Mention of firm names or trade products in this manuscript does not constitute a recommendation by the USDA or the Univ. of Georgia.