Response of Virginia-Type Peanut to Norflurazon

Authors: D. L. Jordan , A. S. Culpepper , R. B. Batts , A. C. York

  • Response of Virginia-Type Peanut to Norflurazon


    Response of Virginia-Type Peanut to Norflurazon

    Authors: , , ,


Four field experiments were conducted in North Carolina from 1994 to 1996 to determine the effect of norflurazon applied preemergence at 1.6 kg ai/ha to virginia-type peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) cvs. NC 7, NC 9, NC 10C, NC-V 11, VA-C 92R, and AT VC-1. Injury 3 wk after planting was 7% or less in three experiments. Greater injury was noted on VA-C 92R relative to other cultivars in one of these experiments. Injury ranged from 25 to 41% in the fourth experiment, with greater injury noted on NC 9, NC-V 11, and VA-C 92R than on NC 7, NC 10C, or AT VC-1. Norflurazon did not affect peanut maturity, the percentage of extra large kernels, total sound mature kernels, or fancy pods. Norflurazon reduced peanut yield 6% irrespective of cultivars in two of four experiments.

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Keywords: Arachis hypogaea, cultivar response, herbicide tolerance, yield, market quality

How to Cite:

Jordan, D. & Culpepper, A. & Batts, R. & York, A., (1998) “Response of Virginia-Type Peanut to Norflurazon”, Peanut Science 25(1), p.4-7. doi:



Published on
31 Dec 1997
Peer Reviewed

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