The Role of Maturation in Quality of Stackpole-Cured Peanuts¹

Authors: T. H. Sanders , J. R. Vercellotti , K. L. Bett , R. L. Greene

  • The Role of Maturation in Quality of Stackpole-Cured Peanuts¹


    The Role of Maturation in Quality of Stackpole-Cured Peanuts¹

    Authors: , , ,


Peanut curing studies utilizing stackpole curing led to the unique observation that extensive potential for post harvest maturation exists during slow curing. In the hull scrape maturity profile the percentage of black maturity class pods increased from 15 to 45% and 21 to 57% in ca. 30 d after stacks were prepared in 2 consecutive years. Simultaneously, the number of pods in less mature classes generally decreased. The weight percentage of black pods increased from 19 to 42% and 37 to 62% after 10 stack d in the 2 yr. A similar but less extensive maturity progression was observed in detached pods in a temperature-relative humidity-controlled environment where drying rate was faster than in stackpoles but much slower than in conventional practices. Because pod and seed sizes did not change during stackpole curing, maturation resulted in large increases in the percentage of mature peanuts (maturity distribution) in all commercial grade sizes. Moisture contents for orange and brown maturity classes related to cessation of color change in pods in both stackpoles and controlled environment treatments were about 29.0 and 22.5%, respectively. Occurrence of physiological seed maturation concurrently with hull color progressions was verified by the consistent oleic acidlinoleic acid ratio in medium grade-size peanuts within each maturity class over curing time.

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Keywords: hull scrape, maturity, moisture content, maturity profile, Curing, OL ratio

How to Cite:

Sanders, T. & Vercellotti, J. & Bett, K. & Greene, R., (1997) “The Role of Maturation in Quality of Stackpole-Cured Peanuts¹”, Peanut Science 24(1), p.25-31. doi:



Published on
01 Jan 1997
Peer Reviewed

Author Notes

1 Mention of a trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the U.S. Dept. of Agric. and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may also be available.