Foliar Fertilization of Virginia-Type Peanut with MnEDTA Crop Grade, Pod Yield, and Value¹

Authors: N. L. Powell , C. W. Swann , D. C. Martens

  • Foliar Fertilization of Virginia-Type Peanut with MnEDTA Crop Grade, Pod Yield, and Value¹


    Foliar Fertilization of Virginia-Type Peanut with MnEDTA Crop Grade, Pod Yield, and Value¹

    Authors: , ,


Manganese is an essential plant micronutrient and has many functions in the plant. Deficient levels of manganese in the plant result in reduced crop yields. This study was conducted to determine the effects of foliar application of manganese salt of ethylenediamine tetra-acetate (MnEDTA) and the timing of application of the MnEDTA to the peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) plant on crop grade, pod yield, and value. Field trials were conducted in Virginia during 1990 and 1991 to determine the optimum amounts of MnEDTA needed for production of the virginia-type peanut. The predominant soil type was Yemassee fine sandy loam (fine-loamy, siliceous, thermic Aeric Achroquults). Manganese treatments enhanced fancy pod development and increased the percentage of extra large kernels for NC-V 11 and NC7. Other grade factors were not influenced. Average pod yield increases over the control were 25 and 109% for NC-V 11 in two tests during 1990. In 1991 average pod yield increase for NC-V 11 and NC 7 above the control were 65 and 103%, respectively. Crop values paralleled the pod yield data in comparison to the control and standard treatments. MnEDTA treatments were comparable to the standard treatments especially at the higher rates. Amounts of Mn, as MnEDTA, needed for foliar application to peanut were 0.3 to 0.6 kg ha-1 per application. Results show that early initial application was needed (4 to 6 wk after planting) with at least three applications applied at 2-wk intervals.

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Keywords: Micronutrients, manganese deficiency, timing of application, crop production

How to Cite:

Powell, N. & Swann, C. & Martens, D., (1996) “Foliar Fertilization of Virginia-Type Peanut with MnEDTA Crop Grade, Pod Yield, and Value¹”, Peanut Science 23(2), p.98-103. doi:



Published on
30 Jun 1996
Peer Reviewed

Author Notes

1 Contribution of the Virginia Agric. Exp. Stn. This report is based upon work supported by the Coop. State Res. Serv., USDA, under Project No. 6128500. Mention of a particular product or company does not imply endorsement or preference over similar products not mentioned.