Evaluation of Chlorimuron as a Growth Regulator for Peanut

Authors: Wayne E. Mitchem , Alan C. York , Roger B. Batts

  • Evaluation of Chlorimuron as a Growth Regulator for Peanut


    Evaluation of Chlorimuron as a Growth Regulator for Peanut

    Authors: , ,


Chlorimuron was evaluated as a growth regulator on peanut. Treatments included chlorimuron at a total of 8.8 g ai/ha applied once at 60,75, or 90 d after emergence (DAE) or in equal portions applied twice at 60 and 75, 60 and 90, or 75 and 90 DAE or three times at 60, 75, and 90 DAE. Daminozide at 950 g ai/ha applied 75 DAE was included as a comparison. In a year with excessive vine growth, daminozide and all chlorimuron treatments except 8.8 g/ha applied 90 DAE reduced cotyledonary lateral branch and main stem length at harvest 9 to 20 and 12 to 24%, respectively, due to suppression of internode length. Sequential applications of chlorimuron generally suppressed growth more than single applications. No improvement in row visibility at harvest was noted. In a dry year with limited vegetative growth, neither chlorimuron nor daminozide affected cotyledonary lateral branch or main stem length at harvest. Chlorimuron at 2.9 g/ha applied 60, 75, and 90 DAE reduced yield 18% at one of four locations; no other treatment affected yield. Chlorimuron at 8.8 g/ha applied 60 DAE or 4.4 g/ha applied 60 and 75 DAE reduced the percentage of fancy pods and extra large kernels at one or more locations. No treatment affected the percentage of total sound mature kernels. Results suggest chlorimuron has little to no potential for use as a growth regulator.

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Keywords: Arachis hypogaea L, yield, market quality, row visibility, timing of application, daminozide

How to Cite:

Mitchem, W. & York, A. & Batts, R., (1995) “Evaluation of Chlorimuron as a Growth Regulator for Peanut”, Peanut Science 22(1), p.62-66. doi:



Published on
31 Dec 1994
Peer Reviewed

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