Evaluation of Preharvest Aflatoxin Contamination in Several Potentially Resistant Peanut Genotypes¹

Authors: W. F. Anderson , C. C. Holbrook , D. M. Wilson , M. E. Matheron

  • Evaluation of Preharvest Aflatoxin Contamination in Several Potentially Resistant Peanut Genotypes¹


    Evaluation of Preharvest Aflatoxin Contamination in Several Potentially Resistant Peanut Genotypes¹

    Authors: , , ,


Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is susceptible to aflatoxin contamination when pods are developing under drought conditions in the field. The development of cultivars which resist preharvest aflatoxin contamination would be advantageous, but has been limited by the lack of genes for resistance. Several genotypes have been suggested as potential sources of resistance. Conflicting results have been reported on how useful this resistance may be, and some of these sources have never been specifically examined for resistance to preharvest aflatoxin contamination. The objective of this study was to evaluate aflatoxin contamination under drought stressed conditions in potentially resistant peanut genotypes. Twelve peanut genotypes were planted in a randomized complete-block design in field plots in Yuma, AZ in 1991 and 1992. Ten of these genotypes were also planted in a randomized complete-block design in field plots in Tifton, GA in 1992. All plots were inoculated with Aspergillus inoculum and were subjected to 40 to 50 d of drought stress immediately prior to harvest. After harvest, aflatoxin contamination (ppb) of seed was measured. None of the genotypes included in this study were more resistant (P ≤ 0.05) to preharvest aflatoxin contamination than Florunner. The results of this study indicate that it would be desirable to identify higher levels of resistance to preharvest aflatoxin contamination in peanut.

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Keywords: peanut, aflatoxin, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus parasiticus.

How to Cite:

Anderson, W. & Holbrook, C. & Wilson, D. & Matheron, M., (1995) “Evaluation of Preharvest Aflatoxin Contamination in Several Potentially Resistant Peanut Genotypes¹”, Peanut Science 22(1), p.29-32. doi:



Published on
01 Jan 1995
Peer Reviewed

Author Notes

1Cooperative investigation of the Univ. of Georgia, the USDA Agric. Res. Serv., and the Univ. of Arizona.