Identification of Peanut Genotypes with Improved Drought Avoidance Traits¹

Authors: K. S. Rucker , C. K. Kvien , C. C. Holbrook , J. E. Hook

  • Identification of Peanut Genotypes with Improved Drought Avoidance Traits¹


    Identification of Peanut Genotypes with Improved Drought Avoidance Traits¹

    Authors: , , ,


Peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) are often subjected to drought during some period in the growing season. A large root system may improve the plant's ability to continue growth during a drought. During greenhouse and field screening trials for resistance to the peanut root-knot nematode [Meloidogyne arenaria (Neal) Chitwood, race 1], 16 peanut genotypes were observed to have very large root systems. Using these 16 genotypes plus cultivars Florunner, Southern Runner, and germplasm line Tifton 8 as checks, several studies were conducted to evaluate these genotypes for drought avoidance characteristics. In the first study, root and shoot development were observed at 15-d intervals on plants grown from seed in sand-filled pots. In a second 2-yr study, selections were grown in the field under portable rain-exclusion shelters that created controlled periods of stress. In addition, the genotypes were also planted and observed in unsheltered naturally drought stressed field plots. In the sand-filled pot study, plant inventory (PI) numbers 315628, 268885, 318740, 269106, and 314893 developed the largest root systems. In the field drought stress studies, low visual stress ratings were recorded for Southern Runner, Tifton 8, PI 295722, and PI 315628. Low canopy temperatures characterized PI 315628, Tifton 8, and PIs 295722, 259637, and 268885. When averaged over three tests, sheltered (1991 and 1992) and unsheltered (1991), Tifton 8, PI 318740, Florunner, PI 315622, and PI 315628 produced the highest yields. Two of these higher yielding genotypes (Tifton 8 and PI 315628) had low stress and temperature ratings and PI 315628 also had the largest root system measured in this study.

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Keywords: Arachis hypogaea, breeding, Water stress

How to Cite:

Rucker, K. & Kvien, C. & Holbrook, C. & Hook, J., (1995) “Identification of Peanut Genotypes with Improved Drought Avoidance Traits¹”, Peanut Science 22(1), p.14-18. doi:



Published on
31 Dec 1994
Peer Reviewed

Author Notes

1Cooperative investigation between the Univ. of Georgia, College of Agric. and Environ. Sci. and USDA/ARS. Mention of a product name given for information and should not be considered an endorsement to the exclusion of like products.