Reaction of Arachis Germplasm to Peanut Stripe, Peanut Mottle and Tomato Spotted Wilt Viruses¹

Authors: R. D. V. J. Prasada Rao , G. P. Ribeiro , R. Pittman , D. V. R. Reddy , J. W. Demski

  • Reaction of Arachis Germplasm to Peanut Stripe, Peanut Mottle and Tomato Spotted Wilt Viruses¹


    Reaction of Arachis Germplasm to Peanut Stripe, Peanut Mottle and Tomato Spotted Wilt Viruses¹

    Authors: , , , ,


Arachis spp. PI 262794, 262817, 421707, 468141, 468144, 468170, 468174, 468345, 468363, 468366, 468370 and 468371 were resistant to mechanical infection with peanut mottle (PMV), peanut stripe (PStV) and tomato spotted wilt viruses(TSWV). PI 262817, 421707 and 468363 (all in the section Rhizomatosae) did not show infection after graft inoculation with tissue singly infected with either PMV, PStV or TSWV. When three scions, each infected with one of the viruses, were grafted on the same plant, only PI 262817 remained virus free.

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Keywords: Peanut viruses, virus resistance, Groundnut

How to Cite:

Prasada Rao, R. & Ribeiro, G. & Pittman, R. & Reddy, D. & Demski, J., (1993) “Reaction of Arachis Germplasm to Peanut Stripe, Peanut Mottle and Tomato Spotted Wilt Viruses¹”, Peanut Science 20(2), p.115-118. doi:



Published on
01 Jul 1993
Peer Reviewed

Author Notes

1Contribution from the University of Georgia, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences. Supported in part by Peanut CRSP, U.S. AID grant DAN-4048-G-00-0041-00 and in part by state and Hatch funds allocated to the University of Georgia.