Comparative Response of Three Peanut Cultivars To Multiple Herbicide Applications¹

Authors: W. Carroll Johnson , Daniel L. Colvin , Benjamin G. Mullinix

  • Comparative Response of Three Peanut Cultivars To Multiple Herbicide Applications¹


    Comparative Response of Three Peanut Cultivars To Multiple Herbicide Applications¹

    Authors: , ,


Field studies in 1990 and 1991 at Tifton, GA and Gainesville, FL evaluated the response of Florunner, Southern Runner, and NC 7 peanut to multiple herbicide applications. A split-split plot experimental design was used with peanut cultivars as main plots. Sub-plots were four levels of chloroacetamide herbicides applied sequentially preplant incorporated and at vegetative emergence. Sub-subplots were five postemergence herbicide treatments. All herbicides were applied at registered rates and times of application. There were no interactions between cultivars, choloracetamide, andor postemergence herbicides for canopy width, yield, and grade of peanut. There were no interactions between chloroacetamide and postemergence herbicides for the same parameters. Main effects were the only sources of significant (P = 0.05) differences in the data. Based on these results, unusual precautions in using these herbicide combinations on these cultivars are not needed.

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Keywords: Arachis hypogaea, peanut injury, varietal susceptibility to herbicides

How to Cite:

Johnson, W. & Colvin, D. & Mullinix, B., (1993) “Comparative Response of Three Peanut Cultivars To Multiple Herbicide Applications¹”, Peanut Science 20(1), p.17-20. doi:



Published on
31 Dec 1992
Peer Reviewed

Author Notes

1Cooperative investigations of the USDA Agric. Res. Ser., the Univ. of Florida Agric. Exp. Stn., Gainesville, and the Univ. of Georgia College of Agric. Exp. Stn., Tifton

2Mention of a trademark, proprietary product, or vendor does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the USDA, the University of Florida, or the University of Georgia and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products or vendors that may also be suitable

4X-77 (a nonionic surfactant containing alkylaryl-polyoxyethylene glycols, free fatty acids, and isopropanol). Valent U.S.A. Corp., P.O. Box 8025, Walnut Creek, CA 94596-8025

5Agridex (a petroleum oil adjuvant containing 83 paraffin base petroleum oil, and 17 polyoxyethylated polyol fatty acid and polyol fatty ester). Helena Chemical Company, 5100 Poplar Ave., Memphis, TN 38137