Accuracy and Feasibility of Determining Single Peanut Kernel Moisture Content¹

Authors: F. E. Dowell , M. C. Lamb

  • Accuracy and Feasibility of Determining Single Peanut Kernel Moisture Content¹


    Accuracy and Feasibility of Determining Single Peanut Kernel Moisture Content¹

    Authors: ,


The accuracy of a single peanut kernel moisture meter (SKM) was determined on peanuts with moisture contents (mc) from 4 to 50%. Results indicated a significant difference between calibration curves determined over the 4-12% mc range and the 4-50% mc range. No mechanical failures of the SKM occurred; however, excess residue build-up on the SKM rollers affected the moisture meter accuracy. Correlation coefficients for average and single kernel moisture calibration equations were 0.88 and 0.91, respectively, for field cured peanuts over the range of 4 to 12% mc. Procedures for integrating the SKM into the present farmers stock grading process are discussed.

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Keywords: moisture content, dc conductance, quality, peanuts, roasting, Shelling, Curing, Storage

How to Cite:

Dowell, F. & Lamb, M., (1991) “Accuracy and Feasibility of Determining Single Peanut Kernel Moisture Content¹”, Peanut Science 18(2), p.131-136. doi:



Published on
01 Jul 1991
Peer Reviewed

Author Notes

1Mention of a trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may also be available.