Digging Date and Conservational Tillage Influence on Peanut Production¹

Authors: F. S. Wright , D. M. Porter

  • Digging Date and Conservational Tillage Influence on Peanut Production¹


    Digging Date and Conservational Tillage Influence on Peanut Production¹

    Authors: ,


The influence of conservational tillage and date of digging on pod yield, crop value, and grade factors were evaluated as a means to increase the production efficiency of peanuts. Two conservational tillage systems, in-row and band tillage, and one conventional tillage system were compared over 3 yr. The Florigiant cultivar was planted in immature wheat killed with glyphosate (Roundup) or clean tilled soil. Peanuts were dug 8 to 11 d before and after the medium (normal) digging date of 141 DAP. Pod yields averaged 19% less and crop values averaged 25% less for the conservational tillage systems as compared to the conventional tillage system. Digging 8 to 11 d early reduced yield 15% and value 21%; whereas, digging 8 to 9 d late reduced yield 6% and value 5% as compared to the medium digging date. The early digging date significantly decreased the grade factors of extra-large kernels (ELK), sound mature kernels (SMK), and total meat content (TM). Tillage systems did not have a consistent effect on grade factors over the 3-yr period. Results from this study indicate that yield and value for the Florigiant cultivar were significantly less under conservational tillage as compared to conventional tillage.

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Keywords: Conservational tillage, digging date, peanut, yield, conventional tillage, tillage, market grade

How to Cite:

Wright, F. & Porter, D., (1991) “Digging Date and Conservational Tillage Influence on Peanut Production¹”, Peanut Science 18(2), p.72-75. doi:



Published on
01 Jul 1991
Peer Reviewed

Author Notes

1Mention of firm names or trade products in this paper does not constitute a recommendation by the USDA nor does it imply registration under FIFRA.