Computerized System to Quantify Aflatoxin Using Thin Layer Chromatography¹

Authors: T. B. Whitaker , J. W. Dickens , A. B. Slate

  • Computerized System to Quantify Aflatoxin Using Thin Layer Chromatography¹


    Computerized System to Quantify Aflatoxin Using Thin Layer Chromatography¹

    Authors: , ,


A microcomputer was interfaced to an instrument (spotmeter) previously designed to measure the fluorescent intensity of aflatoxin spots on thin layer chromatography (TLC) plates. Software was developed that uses a cubic regression equation to describe the relationships between the spotmeter readings and the known quantities of aflatoxin in standard spots on TLC plates. The regression technique also provides methods to detect spotting and/or measurement errors. Based on the regression equation and measurements of sample extract spots on the same TLC plate, the system computes and records the amount of aflatoxin in the sample extract spots and the concentration of aflatoxin that was in the extracted sample. The percent error associated with computed amounts of aflatoxin in sample extract spots is affected by the amount of aflatoxin in the sample extract spots and standard spots on the plate. The average percent error ranged from 14.9% for a 2.6 ng spot of 4.1% for a 13 ng spot.

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Keywords: peanuts, aflatoxin, TLC, computer system

How to Cite:

Whitaker, T. & Dickens, J. & Slate, A., (1990) “Computerized System to Quantify Aflatoxin Using Thin Layer Chromatography¹”, Peanut Science 17(2), p.96-100. doi:



Published on
01 Jul 1990
Peer Reviewed

Author Notes

1Paper No. 12250 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, NC 276957643. The use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service nor the United States Department of Agriculture of the products named, nor criticism of similar ones not mentioned.