Maturity Distribution in Commercially Sized Florunner Peanuts

Author: T. H. Sanders

  • Maturity Distribution in Commercially Sized Florunner Peanuts


    Maturity Distribution in Commercially Sized Florunner Peanuts



Quality, as measured by roast color, flavor and storability, is variable within and among peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) lots of the same commercial size. Because maturity is significantly related to many quality characteristics, the variability in maturity distributions (percentage of various maturity classes) was examined within sized peanut lots from twenty random samples, an irrigation study, a harvest date study, and a soil temperature study. Pods from each source were separated into hull scrape maturity classes, dried, shelled, and screened to obtain seed size distributions. Using the weight of each maturity class in each commercial size, the percentage weight contribution of each maturity class in each commercial size category was calculated. Seed size distribution for maturity classes from different treatments in each study varied widely. The data indicated that each commercial size category contained peanuts from each maturity class. Treatments within the studies generally produced significant differences among percentages of individual maturity classes in each size. Large standard deviations and coefficients of variation in all studies indicated the wide variability potential in sized lots. The distributions of maturity within commercial sizes were sufficiently different to suggest that flavor, roast color, storability, and other quality estimators would be affected in final roast products from some of the lots.

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Keywords: Arachis hypogaea L, hull scrape, quality, seed size, Groundnut

How to Cite:

Sanders, T., (1989) “Maturity Distribution in Commercially Sized Florunner Peanuts”, Peanut Science 16(2), p.91-95. doi:



Published on
30 Jun 1989
Peer Reviewed
USDA, ARS, National Peanut Research Laboratory, 1011 Forrester Drive, S. E., Dawson, Georgia 31742