Severity, Distribution, and Losses from Taproot Cankers Caused by Rhizoctonia solani in Peanuts¹

Authors: John T. Turner , Paul A. Backman

  • Severity, Distribution, and Losses from Taproot Cankers Caused by Rhizoctonia solani in Peanuts¹


    Severity, Distribution, and Losses from Taproot Cankers Caused by Rhizoctonia solani in Peanuts¹

    Authors: ,


Research on the ecology of peanut roots from fields in Georgia, Florida, and Alabama revealed a high frequency of sunken, dark cankers on the taproot which persisted to harvest. Isolations from these cankers resulted in recovery of Rhizoctonia solani anastomosis group 4 (AG-4) from more than 50% of the cankers. A survey of peanut fields being harvested during early September revealed that 28% of the fields had an average of more than 50% of the taproot surface area cankered. In contrast, for fields in the same area harvested one month later, 77% had disease severities of less than 25% and none were greater than 50%. In an experiment conducted in 1984, roots from 64 plots were examined and rated for root rot severity and yield. When taproot disease severity was regressed against yield, a highly significant negative correlation (r2 - 0.60, P<0.01) was found.

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Keywords: Arachis hypogaea, yield loss, Groundnut

How to Cite:

Turner, J. & Backman, P., (1988) “Severity, Distribution, and Losses from Taproot Cankers Caused by Rhizoctonia solani in Peanuts¹”, Peanut Science 15(2), p.73-75. doi:



Published on
01 Jul 1988
Peer Reviewed

Author Notes

1This paper contains portions of the senior author's Ph.D. dissertation, Auburn University, which was funded in part by grants from the Alabama Peanut Producers Association, and Abbott Labs, Inc.

Present address of senior author Crop Genetics International, 7170 Standard Drive, Hanover. MD 21076.

Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. 18-881636P.