Potential Peanut Performance in Double-Cropping Systems¹

Authors: A. C. Mixon , Clyde C. Dowler

  • Potential Peanut Performance in Double-Cropping Systems¹


    Potential Peanut Performance in Double-Cropping Systems¹

    Authors: ,


The potential for utilizing selected peanut cultivars in multiple-cropping sequences was studied on a Bonifay sand and Tifton loamy sand soil in cropping sequences with grain sorghum, tomato transplants, and cucumbers. The peanut cultivars Pronto, Comet, and Florunner always produced more pods under a 114-day growing period than for a 99-day growing period. In a 99-day growing period, Pronto and Comet produced significantly more peanuts than Florunner. Total sound mature kernels (TSMK) percentages were always greater for a 114day growing period. Seeding rate did not affect TSMK or OK characteristics. On restricted growth periods (99 days), early-maturing peanut cultivars resulted in higher percentages of TSMK than the late-maturing cultivars. Under small production scale research units, Pronto peanut was planted--early April, or late June--under both clean and conservation type tillage. The moldboard land preparation portion of a tillage experiment resulted in greater yields when peanut was planted early or late in 4-row seeding, but not statistically more than 2-row seeding. Grain sorghum grown at a population of approximately 200,000 plantsha produced greater yields when planted in July than in August planting. Greater grain yields of sorghum were produced using moldboard land preparation.

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Keywords: Multi-cropping, peanut row spacing, peanut tillage, short season peanut production

How to Cite:

Mixon, A. & Dowler, C., (1984) “Potential Peanut Performance in Double-Cropping Systems¹”, Peanut Science 11(1), p.27-31. doi:



Published on
31 Dec 1983
Peer Reviewed

Author Notes

1Cooperative investigations of the Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the University of Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station, Tifton, GA 31793.