Changes in Free Amino Acids and Sugars of Peanuts During Oil Roasting¹

Authors: Chintana Oupadissakoon , Clyde T. Young

  • Changes in Free Amino Acids and Sugars of Peanuts During Oil Roasting¹


    Changes in Free Amino Acids and Sugars of Peanuts During Oil Roasting¹

    Authors: ,


Changes in free amino acids and sugars during oil roasting of peanuts at a temperature of 147C (914 min) were investigated. While a majority of the free amino acids decreased as a result of the roasting treatment, glutamic acid and peptide-cysteine showed the largest percent decreases (59.5% and 83.5% respectively). Alanine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, unknown (4)-tyrosine showed only small changes. Typical flavor precursors (the sum of aspartic acid, glutamic acid, peptide, phenylalanine, and histidine) decreased about 57% during roasting while atypical flavor precursors (the sum of threonine, tyrosine, lysine, and arginine) dercreased slightly. The sugar data were variable, but on the average significantly decreased 8%.

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Keywords: peanuts, Arachis hypogaea L, roasting, free amino acids, Sugars

How to Cite:

Oupadissakoon, C. & Young, C., (1984) “Changes in Free Amino Acids and Sugars of Peanuts During Oil Roasting¹”, Peanut Science 11(1), p.6-9. doi:



Published on
31 Dec 1983

Author Notes

1Paper No. 8575 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, NC. The use of trade names in this publication does not imply endorsement by the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, nor criticism of similar ones not mentioned. Financial assistance of the North Carolina Peanut Growers Association is greatly appreciated.