Effects of Intrarow Spacing on Yield and Market Quality of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Genotypes¹

Authors: D. A. Knauft , A. J. Norden , N. F. Beninati

  • Effects of Intrarow Spacing on Yield and Market Quality of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Genotypes¹


    Effects of Intrarow Spacing on Yield and Market Quality of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Genotypes¹

    Authors: , ,


Pod yields and grading data were analyzed for six peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes grown in 91 cm rows while using three intrarow distances; 10.2 cm, 15.2 cm and 30.5 cm. Yields were analyzed for a 6-year period from 1975 to 1980 and grading data were analyzed for a 7-year period from 1974 to 1980.

Three genotypes (Dixie Runner, UF714021 and UF439-16-6-3) showed no significant yield differences (all differences reported at the 5% level) among spacings. Florunner and Florigiant produced the same yields at 10.2 cm spacings as they did at 15.2 cm. Both cultivars showed a significant yield reduction at the 30.5 cm spacing. Early Bunch yields were significantly higher at 15.2 cm than at 30.5 cm, while the yield at 10.2 cm was intermediate, but was not significantly different from either 15.2 or 30.5 cm.

Grading data included percentages of extra large kernels (ELK), total sound mature kernels, and Virginia pods. The percentage of ELK for Florigiant at 15.2 cm was significantly greater than the 30.5 cm spacing. Changes in intrarow spacings of the six gentoypes in this study produced no significant differences in any grading data with that exception.

All the currently grown cultivars in these tests had yields with plant spacings at 15.2 cm that were not significantly different from yields at 10.2 cm. With good quality seeds and good production practices a considerable savings could be made with little or no yield reduction by planting at spacings near 15 cm.

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Keywords: Groundnut, planting patterns, intrarow competition, genotypic interactions

How to Cite:

Knauft, D. & Norden, A. & Beninati, N., (1981) “Effects of Intrarow Spacing on Yield and Market Quality of Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Genotypes¹”, Peanut Science 8(2), p.110-112. doi:



Published on
01 Jul 1981
Peer Reviewed

Author Notes

1Contribution from the University of Florida, Department of Agronomy. Journal Series No. 3030.