The Effects of Irrigation, Inoculants and Fertilizer Nitrogen on Peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.). I. Nitrogen Fixation

Authors: V. M. Reddy , J. W. Tanner

  • The Effects of Irrigation, Inoculants and Fertilizer Nitrogen on Peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.). I. Nitrogen Fixation


    The Effects of Irrigation, Inoculants and Fertilizer Nitrogen on Peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.). I. Nitrogen Fixation

    Authors: ,


Effects of irrigation, inoculants and fertilizer nitrogen (N) on N2(C2H2) fixation in peanuts were studied in 1976 and 1977 at Delhi, Ontario. Inoculant application increased nodulation and N-fixation in both years. Powdered peat and granular formulations containing the same strains of rhizobia resulted in almost the same amounts of nodulation and N-fixation (80 kg/ha on average). Differences in nodulation from inoculants containing different strains of rhizobia were not consistent over the two years. However, 60% difference in N-fixation resulted from the inoculants containing different strains of rhizobia in both years. Nitrogen application decreased the nodule number, nodule dry weight, and N-fixation of all the inoculated peanuts. Irrigation increased the N-fixation of the peanuts treated with granular inoculant in 1976 by an average of 45% and all the inoculated peanuts in 1977 by an average of 54% but had no effect on nodulation in either year.

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Keywords: peanuts, Nitrogen, Fixation, Irrigation

How to Cite:

Reddy, V. & Tanner, J., (1980) “The Effects of Irrigation, Inoculants and Fertilizer Nitrogen on Peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.). I. Nitrogen Fixation”, Peanut Science 7(2), p.120-123. doi:



Published on
30 Jun 1980
Peer Reviewed

Author Notes

2The Nitragin Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.