Thermal Requirements for Development of the Rednecked Peanutworm, Stegasta bosqueella¹

Authors: R. G. Wall , R. C. Berberet

  • Thermal Requirements for Development of the Rednecked Peanutworm, Stegasta bosqueella¹


    Thermal Requirements for Development of the Rednecked Peanutworm, Stegasta bosqueella¹

    Authors: ,


Thermal requirements for development of life stages in the rednecked peanutworm, Stegasta bosqueella (Chambers), were determined. Embryonic, larval, and pupal threshold temperatures were 11.7°C (53°F), 11.0°C (52°F), and 12.2°C (54°F), respectively. Mean C day accumulations required for completion of life stages were: 66.5 - egg, 156.0 - larva (to prepupa), 25.1 - prepupa, and 94.2 - pupa.

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Keywords: Rednecked peanutworm, Stegasta bosqueella, Threshold Temperature

How to Cite:

Wall, R. & Berberet, R., (1980) “Thermal Requirements for Development of the Rednecked Peanutworm, Stegasta bosqueella¹”, Peanut Science 7(2), p.72-73. doi:



Published on
30 Jun 1980
Peer Reviewed

Author Notes

1Journal Article 3742 of the Agric. Exp. Sta., Okla. St. Univ., Stillwater, OK, This research was supported in part by Coop. Agreement No. 216-15-97 from USDA, SEA-CR.