Instrumental Analysis of Volatiles in Air-and Nitrogen-Packed Peanut Butter

Authors: S. P. Fore , G. S. Fisher , M. G. Legendre , J. I. Wadsworth

  • Instrumental Analysis of Volatiles in Air-and Nitrogen-Packed Peanut Butter


    Instrumental Analysis of Volatiles in Air-and Nitrogen-Packed Peanut Butter

    Authors: , , ,


Air- and nitrogen-packed samples from the same production lot of peanut butter, stored in the dark at 25°C for 1 yr, were analyzed periodically by direct gas chromatography. The ratio of methylbutanal to hexanal was consistently higher in nitrogen-packed than in equivalent air-packed samples and decreased throughout the storage period for both types of samples. Correlation coefficients, significant at 0.1%, were 0.99 for nitrogen-packed and 0.96 for air-packed samples. A total of 35 volatile components of peanut butter were identified by combined direct gas chromatography—mass spectrometry, and another 6 were tentatively identified.

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Keywords: Peanut butter, volatiles, direct gas chromatography, mass spectrometry

How to Cite:

Fore, S. & Fisher, G. & Legendre, M. & Wadsworth, J., (1979) “Instrumental Analysis of Volatiles in Air-and Nitrogen-Packed Peanut Butter”, Peanut Science 6(1), p.58-61. doi:



Published on
31 Dec 1978
Peer Reviewed