Factors Affecting Peanut Peg Attachement Force

Authors: J. M. Troeger , E. J. Williams , J. L. Butler

  • Factors Affecting Peanut Peg Attachement Force


    Factors Affecting Peanut Peg Attachement Force

    Authors: , ,


The peg attachement force (p.a.f.) of peanuts was measured using an unbonded strain gage transducer. Dimensions, weight and moisture content (m.c.) of the peanuts and their component parts were also measured.

Results showed that p.a.f. is extremely variable, the coefficient of variation ranging from 20 to 40 percent in individual tests. Spanish varieties had the highest p.a.f. and Runners the lowest. Dividing p.a.f. by the pod projected surface area showed that varieties with highest p.a.f./projected surface area maintained lowest field losses.

P.a.f. increases with increasing m.c. and decreases with increasing maturity. Use of Kylar (succinic acid 2, 2 dimethyl hydrazide) growth regulator did not have significant effect on p.a.f. or on peg diameter.

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How to Cite:

Troeger, J. & Williams, E. & Butler, J., (1976) “Factors Affecting Peanut Peg Attachement Force”, Peanut Science 3(1), p.37-40. doi:



Published on
01 Jan 1976

Author Notes

2Force units in this report are kilogram force (kgf) or gram force (gf).

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