Fluazinam provided effective control of Sclerotinia blight (Sclerotinia minor Jagger) of peanut in six field trials during a 4-yr period. Applications of fluazinam (0.56 kg/ha) at the onset of Sclerotinia blight and 4 wk later provided an average of 69% suppression of disease incidence and increased yields by 1598 kg/ha compared to untreated plots. Performance of fluazinam was significantly better than iprodione, the material currently used for control of Sclerotinia blight. Two applications of iprodione at 1.12 kg/ha provided only 31% suppression of disease incidence and increased yield by 718 kg/ha. Fungicides were also evaluated in 1990 as tank-mixes with chlorothalonil (1.26 kg/ha) that were applied in foliar sprays according to the Virginia peanut leafspot advisory program. Treatments consisted of no fungicide, chlorothalonil alone, and tank-mixes of chlorothalonil plus either dicloran at 2.10 kg/ha, fluazinam at 0.56 kg/ha, or iprodione at 0.84 kg/ha. Sclerotinia blight at harvest in untreated plots and plots treated with chlorothalonil alone averaged 27.8 and 35.8 disease foci per plot, whereas yields averaged 3624 and 2251 kg/ha, respectively. Compared to plots treated with chlorothalonil alone, Sclerotinia blight was suppressed by 92, 25, and 25%, and yield was increased by 4020, 1925, and 1684 kg/ha in plots treated with chlorothalonil plus either fluazinam, iprodione, or dicloran, respectively. Applications of tank-mixes containing fluazinam plus chlorothalonil in 1991 provided additional evidence that this approach was a highly effective means of controlling both Sclerotinia blight and early leafspot, a previously unattainable goal. Fluazinam did not control early leafspot (Cercospora arachidicola S. Hori) in field trials; however, the fungicide was fungitoxic in vitro to Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc. and Rhizoctonia solani Kühn.
Keywords: Arachis hypogaea, fungicides, Groundnut, Sclerotinia minor
How to Cite:
Smith, F. & Phipps, P. & Stipes, R.,
(2022) “Fluazinam: A New Fungicide for Control of Sclerotinia Blight and Other Soilborne Pathogens of Peanut1”,
Peanut Science ,
doi: https://doi.org/10.3146/
Published on
16 May 2022
Peer Reviewed