Sclerotinia Blight Development in Peanut Vines Injured by Tractor Tires¹

Authors: D. M. Porter , N. L. Powell

  • Sclerotinia Blight Development in Peanut Vines Injured by Tractor Tires¹


    Sclerotinia Blight Development in Peanut Vines Injured by Tractor Tires¹

    Authors: ,


Peanut plants injured by tractor tires during the application of pesticides were infected by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum more frequently than similar uninjured plants. Percentage of infection in injured plants was more than twice that in uninjured plants. Pod yields were less in injured plants infected with S. sclerotiorum than in uninjured plants infected with S. sclerotiorum. The relationship between tire injury and subsequent infection by S. sclerotiorum was clearly shown on aerial infrared photographs.

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Keywords: Arachis hypogaea, false color infrared photography, Groundnut, soil-borne fungus, predisposition, wound-disease interaction

How to Cite:

Porter, D. & Powell, N., (1978) “Sclerotinia Blight Development in Peanut Vines Injured by Tractor Tires¹”, Peanut Science 5(2), p.87-90. doi:



Published on
30 Jun 1978
Peer Reviewed

Author Notes

1Cooperative investigations of Federal Research, Science and Education Administration, U. S. Department of Agriculture and the Department of Agronomy, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Contribution No. 356, Department of Plant Pathology and Physiology, VPI & SU. Research supported in part by the NASA Wallops Flight Center (under NASA Contract No. NAS6 2388) the Virginia Agricultural Foundation, and the Virginia Peanut Growers Association, Inc.