Genetic Variability And Heritability For An Intercultivar Cross Of Peanuts¹

Authors: J. C. Wynne , J. O. Rawlings

  • Genetic Variability And Heritability For An Intercultivar Cross Of Peanuts¹


    Genetic Variability And Heritability For An Intercultivar Cross Of Peanuts¹

    Authors: ,


Genetic variances for yield and several fruit traits for the F5 and F6 generations of an intercultivar peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) cross were estimated by maximum likelihood procedures from a nested mating design. Estimates of additive and additive by environmental variances were significant for yield and the fruit traits for the cross between the two Virginia (ssp. hypogaea var. hypogaes) cultivars. Estimates of additive by additive variance were essentially zero for all traits; however, estimates of additive by additive by environmental variances were larger than their associated standard deviations for all traits except yield.

Narrow sense estimates of heritability over reciprocal crosses and environments ranged from 0.54 for yield to 0.89 for fruit length. Progress from selection in late generations should be expected for this peanut cross.

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Keywords: Arachis hypogaea L, additive genetic variance, maximum likelihood estimators

How to Cite:

Wynne, J. & Rawlings, J., (1978) “Genetic Variability And Heritability For An Intercultivar Cross Of Peanuts¹”, Peanut Science 5(1), p.23-26. doi:



Published on
31 Dec 1977
Peer Reviewed

Author Notes

1Paper number 5375 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh, NC 27607.