Effect of Age of Bahiagrass Sod on Succeeding Peanut Crops¹

Authors: A. J. Norden , V. G. Perry , F. G. Martin , J. NeSmith

  • Effect of Age of Bahiagrass Sod on Succeeding Peanut Crops¹


    Effect of Age of Bahiagrass Sod on Succeeding Peanut Crops¹

    Authors: , , ,


This study was designed to determine effects, unconfounded by seasons, of 0 to 5 year-old bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flugge) sod on yield and quality of subsequent peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) crops; and to provide information as to factors responsible for the observed beneficial effects.

Essentially the experiment was a 6 × 4 × 2 factorial in a randomized complete block arrangement. Previously designated plots were seeded each year to bahiagrass while the remaining plots were maintained in a cultivated crop rotation of corn and peanuts. Duplicate soil samples, taken annually, were analyzed for major plant nutrients and for nematodes. After 5 to 7 years all the plots were planted to peanuts and corn for successive years. A total of 21 responses, associated with yield and quality of peanuts, nematode counts, and soil characteristics, were measured. Not all nematode responses were analyzed because of a high percentage of zero values.

Twelve of the 15 responses were affected by the length of time the land was in sod. Peanut yield and quality increased with years in sod, with the greatest improvement occurring after one year. The percent shriveled seed and concealed damage decreased with years in sod and again the reductions were most pronounced between the 0 and 1 year-old sod treatments. In every case the first crop of peanuts following sod was better than the second. However, as the number of years in sod increased differences between the first and second peanut crop diminished. Years in sod had an effect on the level of major soil nutrients but no regular trends were evident. Numbers of lance nematodes were significantly reduced by age of sod while ring nematodes were not. Eleven of the 15 responses showed significant interactions between the length of time in sod and season and/or crop order.

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Keywords: Crop rotation, Sod-based rotation, Nematodes

How to Cite:

Norden, A. & Perry, V. & Martin, F. & NeSmith, J., (1977) “Effect of Age of Bahiagrass Sod on Succeeding Peanut Crops¹”, Peanut Science 4(2), p.71-74. doi:



Published on
30 Jun 1977
Peer Reviewed

Author Notes

1Presented at the annual meeting of the American Peanut Research and Education Association, Asheville, N.C., July 1977. Contribution of the Florida Agricultural Experiment Stations as Journal Series No. 625.