Author Notes
1Cooperative investigation by Agricultural Research Service, USDA, and the Tidewater Research and Continuing Education Center, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Suffolk, Virginia 23437.
The effects of underrow ripping on peanut yields have been studied for several years along with other tillage production practices. In this study, tillage treatments included no ripping and ripping under the plant row in combination with four methods of seedbed preparation. The bed preparations were prepared flat (conventionally), with a rotary tiller and bed shaper, with a disk bedder, and with a rolling cultivator. Test plots were planted at different locations each year to assess different soil conditions. To evaluate these tillage treatments, yield, grade, value, and incidence of pod breakdown were recorded. Results indicated that underrow ripping compared to not ripping directly under the plant row adversely affected crop yield and value in some soil conditions but had no effect in other soil conditions. Peanut roots penetrated the subsoil region even in soil types with an A2 layer. Under-row ripping appeared to enhance the incidence of pod breakdown, caused by Pythium myriotylum and Rhizoctonia solani. It does not appear to be an advantageous tillage operation to use in peanut production systems for southeast Virginia based on these responses and the additional energy required to perform the operation.
Keywords: Arachis hypogaea L, Groundnuts, Peanut yield, Peanut Crop Value, tillage practices, Pod breakdown, Cone Index
How to Cite:
Wright, F. & Porter, D., (1982) “Underrow Ripping of Peanuts in Virginia”, Peanut Science 9(2), p.62-65. doi: