Response of Peanut Protein Spun Fibers to Applied Stresses¹

Authors: E. M. Ahmed , D. L. Fletcher

  • Response of Peanut Protein Spun Fibers to Applied Stresses¹


    Response of Peanut Protein Spun Fibers to Applied Stresses¹

    Authors: ,


Dope solutions prepared from Altika peanuts protein concentrate were used for the spinning of fibers. The effects of protein concentration in the dope, as well as NaC1 and acetic acid concentrations in the coagulating bath, storage duration at 1ºC and orientation configuration on the responses of the spun fibers to applied stresses were studied. The Instron Universal Testing Machine model TM was used for all measurements. Spun fibers prepared from dope solutions containing 13.0% protein were more resistant to applied tensile and shear stresses than those prepared from 13.5% protein dope solutions. Fiber strength was maximal when acetic acid and NaC1 concentrations were 2 N and 20%, respectively. Minimum concentrations of 2 N acetic acid and 15 NaC1 in the coagulating bath were required for fiber formation. Fibers stored at 1ºC for 3 weeks showed increased tensile strength, stretchability and shear strength than the non-stored fibers. Orientation test results showed that two fiber tows placed in a 45º orientation were more resistant to punch shear stresses than tows placed in 90º, random or parallel orientation. Two tows required higher punch shear forces than a single tow.

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Keywords: Peanut spun-fibers quality, physical properties of peanut fibers, peanut fibers stretchability, shear resistance of peanut fibers, tensile strength of peanut fibers, fiber-tows orientation

How to Cite:

Ahmed, E. & Fletcher, D., (1977) “Response of Peanut Protein Spun Fibers to Applied Stresses¹”, Peanut Science 4(1), p.22-26. doi:



Published on
01 Jan 1977
Peer Reviewed

Author Notes

1Florida Agricultural Experiment Stations Journal Series No. 6171, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611.