Authors: F. J. M. Sung , J. J. Chen
Seed size is a dynamic component of seed yield. Factors affecting seed size in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) are not well defined. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of CO2 enrichment and timing of pod formation on cotyledon cell and seed growth in virginia-type peanut. The results indicated that the number of cotyledon cells was relatively constant across all the treatments. However, size of cotyledon cells and seed growth rate (SGR) increased in the pods developed in high CO2 conditions. Striking differences in both cell size and SGR also existed between early and late formed pods. Our data indicate that assimilate supplies strongly limit cotyledon cell size, and accordingly affect SGR and final seed size
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Keywords: CO2 enrichment, peanut, cotyledon cell, seed growth
How to Cite: Sung, F. & Chen, J. (1990) “Cotyledon Cells and Seed Growth Relationships in CO2-enriched Peanut¹”, Peanut Science. 17(1). doi: