Authors: G. Dey , R. K. Mukherjee , S. Bal
Harvesting, storage, and shelling procedures can greatly affect seed vigor. In regions where mechanical harvesting and drying procedures are not standard, seeds are often damaged and germination is poor. The objective of this research was to study the effects of different drying procedures on seed quality. Germination of peanut kernel (Arachis hypogaea L., cv. J-11) was significantly affected by harvesting and post-harvest handling and operations. Harvesting at or around 110 d after. emergence showed higher numbers of matured kernels, with high quality and better storability. Pods after harvest were dried in the field following different methods. Field drying of pods with haulms, in heaps to avoid direct exposure to sunlight following the DOR method, was found to be highly suitable in reducing mechanical injury during shelling and also in maintaining higher germinability of seeds in storage. Effects of shelling were assessed in terms of physical damage. Only sound mature kernels (SMK) were used for drying and storage tests, which involved temperatures ranging from 20-50 C (in an air velocity 0.61 to 1.0 m/sec) and ambient to 50% RH conditions. Effects of drying on occurrence of physical damage like % split kernel, bold kernel, and skin slip then were assessed. Both shelling and drying had shown significant effects on germinability, seedling vigor, membrane integrity, dehydrogenase activity, and lipid peroxidation when tested under ambient or accelerated aging conditions. Slow drying or low temperature/low humidity drying reduced physical damage and maintained high vigor and viability during storage.
Keywords: Arachis hypogaea L, DHA, drying, Germination, MDA, peanut kernel/seed, physical damage, Storage
How to Cite: Dey, G. , Mukherjee, R. & Bal, S. (1999) “Influence of Harvest and Post-Harvest Conditions on the Physiology and Germination of Peanut Kernels”, Peanut Science. 26(2). doi: